A Client Communication Software to keep Alaska tracking toward WIOA measure success

By introducing Sara, Alaska DETS was able to go from case overload and data collection to automated workflows and increased positive outcomes for participants.

The Alaska Department of Labor, Division of Employment and Training Services (DETS), was one of several state programs that participated in SaraWork’s pilot program in 2016-2020 and continues to use the software to maintain a compliant and thriving program.

WIOA data collection and validation against the odds

Alaska’s DETS faced a universal challenge in tracking updates for program participants. WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act) data collection and validation posed challenges for overloaded case managers and supervisors already navigating a high employee turnover rate environment. This was further aggravated by geography, with remote job centers and worksites scattered across the state. Perpetually chasing down required information, including copies of certificates, CDLs and pay stubs required to satisfy WIOA directives, case managers voiced their frustrations about a lack of time to serve individuals. And the stakes were high: A failing performance outcome could result in sanctions or a performance improvement plan from the Federal Government.

The State of Alaska didn’t want to merely improve WIOA performance measures; they wanted to ensure positive and successful outcomes for clients.

Sara Client Communication Software provides much needed legwork

Partnering with SaraWorks on their pilot program provided relief for the State’s active Sara users. Prior to Sara, case managers would manually set up reminders and send multiple document requests in hopes of a client’s response. They were also reliant on other departments to provide missing data. With Sara, the Client Communication Software did proactive data collection through its automated workflows. Available on clients’ cell phones, Sara facilitated easy check-ins and document sharing, which allowed case managers to focus more time on serving clients and resulted in increased positive outcomes for different performance measures.

Sara’s automated workflows allowed staff to seamlessly collect and validate data throughout a client’s journey including occupational and apprenticeship training data, credentials, job search information, monthly training updates, planned inactivity, quarterly post-employment follow-up, and Jobs for Veterans State Grant (JVSG) activities.

From manual overload to on-track and expanding

Sara has not only simplified the tracking process for staff, but also increased the likelihood of positive outcomes while providing evidence of attempts in cases where individuals could not be reached. The software has significantly reduced the need for extensive case notes by handling much of the documentation for case managers. Sara has also helped the State maintain compliance with WIOA standards, translating to more thorough and higher quality data for reporting. In essence, Sara’s introduction has been a valuable tool for participant engagement and data collection, primed for even greater impact in its next phase of implementation: Alaska DETS plans to expand their reach to include the WIOA Youth program.

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